About Us



Patterson Lakes Primary School opened in 1979 and is located in the residential corridor between the Mornington Peninsula Freeway and Port Phillip Bay, 33km SSE of the Melbourne CBD. The school is surrounded by a series of interconnected canals around the Patterson River waterway.


The school has modern buildings, grounds and facilities that have the flexibility of both flexible learning spaces and traditional classrooms. Our buildings include 11 permanent classrooms, 12 relocatables, a visual arts room, library, learning technologies centre, administration block and a multipurpose facility.  During 2010, the school completed a multipurpose facility through the Federal Government’s BER program and in 2014 the Staff Room was relocated to accommodate the growth in staff numbers and a Science Room was developed. The grounds include a large oval, grassed playing areas, adventure playgrounds and basketball courts, offering an attractive, safe and stimulating learning environment.


The school’s enrolment is currently 520 students in 2025 and the school operates a Neighbourhood Enrolment Zone to restrict student growth and this has seen a slightly declining enrolment over the past 4 years. 8% of students have a language background other than English where English is not spoken at home. The school has 46.7 equivalent full time staff - 2 Principal Class, 34.5 teachers and 10.2 Education Support Staff.


89% of students achieved at or above the expected Victorian Curriculum level in English and Mathematics and at 91% in Science. Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN results indicated that students performed above the state mean in most areas tested, and above students in other primary schools based on intake adjusted performance data in both English and Mathematics. A continual focus on developing the capacity of our staff and the capabilities of our students has resulted in improved growth across all year levels.


Patterson Lakes Primary is a progressive school that is committed to the development of its staff and to the improvement of student learning. The school’s values of Integrity, Respect and Excellence form the moral purpose of the school and the foundation for ensuring the best environment for all members of our community. The school has a strong culture of high expectations, relationship building, curriculum delivery and extra-curricular programs. Our programs are designed to cater for the needs of students by providing a differentiated curriculum and ‘point of learning’ focus. This includes a variety of enrichment programs, both within and beyond regular classrooms.


There was a strong partnership between parents and staff, with a high level of parent participation on School Council and committees including: the Family, Friends and Fundraising Association, classroom liaison parents, classroom helpers and in social activities.


The school committed to KidsMatter as a whole-school approach to improving student’s mental health and wellbeing in 2016. KidsMatter has promoted social and emotional learning, provided support for students who may be experiencing mental health difficulties, and has allowed the school to work more authentically with parents. The school offered strong pastoral care, a rich student voice program through leadership programs, and a vibrant House System which provided students with a stronger connectedness with their peers beyond the classroom.